Thank you for continuing to participate in our series of workshops on Antiracism for White Jews. Please fill out this Exit Card/Survey, it should only take a few minutes, and your feedback is really helpful. You can access the slideshow here.
The last session will be on Wednesday, July 22 from 7-9pm. We’ll wrap up this series with a focus on what it means to be anti-racist. Most of the time will be spent in small group discussions. To help guide some of that discussion, you may want to spend some time filling out this table (you can make a copy of it)
We also want to make sure you can continue to dig into the concepts we laid out.
If you’d like to think more about the racialization of white Jews in the US, you can read some of the following articles:
- Karen Brodkin: “How Did Jews Become White Folks?” ; Book
- Emma Green: “Are Jews White?”
- Rabbis Jessica Rosenberg and Mackenzie Reynolds: “Jews and White Privilege”
- Nylah Burton: “White Jews: Stop Calling Yourself White-Passing”
If you’d like to learn more about white privilege:
- Paul Kivel: Uprooting Racism; “White Benefits: A Personal Assessment”
- Tim Wise: White Like Me
- Teaching Tolerance: “What is White Privilege, Really?”
- Showing Up for Racial Justice: “White Privilege and Benefits”
- Kenneth Jones and Tema Okun: “White Supremacy Culture”
We wrapped up by asking: What are we do to with our privilege? We offered the following three quotes to reflect on:
“If the white man has inflicted the wound of racism upon black men, the cost has been that he would receive the mirror image of that wound into himself. As the master, or as a member of the dominant race, he has felt little compulsion to acknowledge or speak of it; the more painful it has grown the more deeply he has hidden it within himself. But the wound is there, and is a profound disorder, as great a damage in his mind as it is in his society.”
― Wendell Berry, The Hidden Wound
“We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.”
― Martin Luther King Jr., Why We Can’t Wait
“If you have come here to help me you are wasting your time, but if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together.”
― Lilla Watson
We’ll see you next Wednesday!
For more Anti-Racism resources from Nefesh, visit:
Tikkun Olam—Black Lives Matter