Laundry Love
Laundry Love Nefesh and our interfaith partners in Echo Park will begin Laundry Love on the evening of Wednesday, September 18. This is volunteer-led, monthly laundry help for those in […]
Laundry Love Nefesh and our interfaith partners in Echo Park will begin Laundry Love on the evening of Wednesday, September 18. This is volunteer-led, monthly laundry help for those in […]
Join Rabbi Aaron for 20 sessions as we dive into Jewish learning together. We will engage with primary texts, ritual, prayer, Jewish history, and culture while engaging with some of […]
Join Rabbi Aaron for a weekly lunch and learn every Thursday on the Parsha (Torah portion) of the week. 12pm on Thursdays at Mazal in Lincoln Heights, 110 N. San Fernando […]
Join Nefesh in person in Echo Park, or on Zoom
Such times we are in! We are living in a moment of overlapping crisis with the possibility of profound change. Our ancestors navigated their own times of crisis and have […]
With the launch of our new Nefesh Chevra Kadisha, we invite you to join a Chevra Kadisha Text Study Session led by Sasha Perry and Nefesh Kin Julie Weinstein, on […]
In an effort to create opportunities for connection and support among Nefesh Kin on being in hard conversations with friends and family around Israel Palestine, we are continuing our Monthly […]
Join Rabbi Aaron for 20 sessions as we dive into Jewish learning together. We will engage with primary texts, ritual, prayer, Jewish history, and culture while engaging with some of […]
Join Rabbi Aaron for a weekly lunch and learn every Thursday on the Parsha (Torah portion) of the week. 12pm on Thursdays at Mazal in Lincoln Heights, 110 N. San Fernando […]
Join Rabbi Aaron for 20 sessions as we dive into Jewish learning together. We will engage with primary texts, ritual, prayer, Jewish history, and culture while engaging with some of […]