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Weekly Parsha Study with Rabbi Aaron

Join Rabbi Aaron for a weekly lunch and learn every Thursday on the Parsha (Torah portion) of the week.  12pm on Thursdays at Mazal in Lincoln Heights, 110 N. San Fernando […]

Nefesh Friday Shabbat in Echo Park

St Paul's Commons 840 Echo Park Ave, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Join Nefesh in person in Echo Park, or on Zoom

Nefesh Intro to Judaism Class

Join Rabbi Aaron for 20 sessions as we dive into Jewish learning together. We will engage with primary texts, ritual, prayer, Jewish history, and culture while engaging with some of […]

Weekly Parsha Study with Rabbi Aaron

Join Rabbi Aaron for a weekly lunch and learn every Thursday on the Parsha (Torah portion) of the week.  12pm on Thursdays at Mazal in Lincoln Heights, 110 N. San Fernando […]


Singing with Sally

All are welcome, no matter your experience level. Learn new songs, niggunim, and familiar Nefesh favorites.

Nefesh Kin: Supporting the Jewish Heart Zoom

In an effort to create opportunities for connection and support among Nefesh Kin on being in hard conversations with friends and family around Israel Palestine, we are continuing our Monthly […]

Nefesh Intro to Judaism Class

Join Rabbi Aaron for 20 sessions as we dive into Jewish learning together. We will engage with primary texts, ritual, prayer, Jewish history, and culture while engaging with some of […]


Immigration Teach in with Nefesh, CLUE + guests

This event will focus on how we can help keep our neighbors who might be targeted by the incoming administration safe. We’ll hear from Deputy Director of UCLA’s Center for Immigration […]

Nefesh Intro to Judaism Class

Join Rabbi Aaron for 20 sessions as we dive into Jewish learning together. We will engage with primary texts, ritual, prayer, Jewish history, and culture while engaging with some of […]