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Singing with Sally

All are welcome, no matter your experience level. Learn new songs, niggunim, and familiar Nefesh favorites.

Nefesh Intro to Judaism Class

Join Rabbi Aaron for 20 sessions as we dive into Jewish learning together. We will engage with primary texts, ritual, prayer, Jewish history, and culture while engaging with some of Nefesh's core Middot (Jewish values). In addition to gathering for weekly Wednesday evening classes, there will be opportunities to gather as a cohort to celebrate […]

Weekly Parsha Study with Rabbi Aaron

Join Rabbi Aaron for a weekly lunch and learn every Thursday on the Parsha (Torah portion) of the week.  12pm on Thursdays at Mazal in Lincoln Heights, 110 N. San Fernando Rd., Los Angeles, CA 90031.

Nefesh Friday Shabbat in Echo Park

St Paul's Commons 840 Echo Park Ave, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Join Nefesh in person in Echo Park, or on Zoom


Nefesh Torah Learning with guest Rabbi Jocee Hudson

Caves and Thresholds with guest Rabbi Jocee Hudson A teaching on Jewish texts for the times we need to hide and the times we need to emerge back into the light. Date: Sunday, December 8th, 10:45am Locations: In Person at St. Be's (2109 Chickasaw Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90041) and on Zoom (link shared after […]

Nefesh Intro to Judaism Class

Join Rabbi Aaron for 20 sessions as we dive into Jewish learning together. We will engage with primary texts, ritual, prayer, Jewish history, and culture while engaging with some of Nefesh's core Middot (Jewish values). In addition to gathering for weekly Wednesday evening classes, there will be opportunities to gather as a cohort to celebrate […]

Weekly Parsha Study with Rabbi Aaron

Join Rabbi Aaron for a weekly lunch and learn every Thursday on the Parsha (Torah portion) of the week.  12pm on Thursdays at Mazal in Lincoln Heights, 110 N. San Fernando Rd., Los Angeles, CA 90031.

Nefesh Saturday Shabbat in Echo Park

St Paul's Commons 840 Echo Park Ave, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Join Nefesh in person in Echo Park, or on Zoom