Eaton and Palisades Fire Resources

Please note that many of these resources are crowd-sourced. They are shared for your use, but we haven’t vetted all of them.

We are gathering resources to support our community members who are in a particular moment of financial need due to the fires.

Our neighbors at Pasadena Jewish Temple and Center lost their historic home to the Eaton Fire. And our neighbors at the Tongva Taraxat Paxaavxa Conservancy have sustained significant damage to their land and property. Please consider contributing to the rebuilding of a thriving, diverse Jewish community on LA’s east side.

Tikkun Olam: Doing. Giving. Learning.

What is Tikkun?

Tikkun is Hebrew for “repair” and holds within it healing, bringing wholeness to ourselves, others, and the world.

Tikkun OlamHebrew for “world repair” – has come to connote social action and the pursuit of social justice. The phrase has origins in classical rabbinic literature and in Lurianic kabbalah, where it is the human ability to repair the shattered vessels from the Creation of the world.

The Nefesh community participates in repairing the world in a number of different ways both as a community and as individuals.

How to Engage: Organizing Partnerships

LA Voice
LA Voice is a multi-racial, multi-faith community organization that awakens people to their own power, training them to speak, act, and work together to transform our County into one that reflects the dignity of all people. Nefesh is a member congregation in LA Voice. LA Voice is now activating spiritual congregations to learn and take action together around housing and financial insecurity in LA County. Volunteers work in conjunction with LA Voice teams on various housing initiatives.

Dayenu Circle
Nefesh has been involved in climate activism with Dayenu since they started in 2020 with the mission to build a multi-generational Jewish movement that confronts the climate crisis with spiritual audacity and bold political action. And we are now an official Dayenu Circle! We are looking for volunteers that are activated around fighting the climate crisis to gather our community to action on key campaigns that Dayenu is working on, from rallying Jewish support for important CA climate bills, to divestment campaigns looking at how our own investments can help end the era of fossil fuels.  Dayenu is mobilizing Jewish support for climate solutions, building our collective power with national and global movements, and raising up spiritual, religious, and moral voice.

LWOP Pen Pal Program
Nefesh community members connecting with neighbors in LA who are incarcerated and have life without parole sentences. The current cohort is full – check back in spring 2024 for information about how to join the next cohort.

Laundry Love
Once a month, volunteers from Nefesh, STEP, St. Athanasius, and Echo Park United Methodist come together to provide free laundry services to anyone in need. Join us every third Wednesday at Luxe Laundry in Echo Park to make community with our neighbors and provide free soap and and funds to anyone who shows up. 

Second Nurture
Second Nurture works with people who are interested in fostering to adopt in LA County or supporting others who are doing that work.  Communicate with Nefesh around the needs of people in the program that we can help with. If you are interested in fostering to adopt or helping those that are. Could be childcare, material support, and communicating with Nefesh where needs arise for families who are fostering.

Immigration Organizing
Nefesh partners with CLUE (Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice) to help keep our immigrant neighbors safe. Nefesh partners with EPIC (Echo Park Immigration Center) to materially support people seeking asylum in the US and are being housed in Los Angeles. 

Produce Distribution
Nefesh and St. Be’s partner to sort and distribute free shares of fruits and vegetables to folks in the Eagle Rock area. Everything you need will be provided when you arrive, just drop by between 8am-12pm on a Thursday morning and jump in!

Community Care

The Sisterhood of All Genders is a group of Kin who volunteer, support Kin in hard times through community care, and welcome/connect with new Kin. 

Kuuyam Nahwá’a 

Nefesh acknowledges that we are guests on Tongva land. We support the Tongva Taraxat Paxaavxa Conservancy.

As an emerging community, we are still developing our social justice work and responding to the present moment as it unfolds. If you’re interested in connecting in these or other realms, we warmly welcome you to contact us at

Join the Nefesh Tikkun Collective

Click below to learn about the different ways Nefesh community members are engaging in repairing our world. Then, fill out your information and someone from Nefesh’s Tikkun Collective will reach out to you to connect. We will go over ways you can be plugged-in, taking action, and in community.