Dear Nefesh Tikkun community,
We hope you had a lovely Passover! Thank you so much for taking the time to fill out our Nefesh Social Justice Commitment Survey. Thinking of you in this time of anti-Asian misogynistic violence, and displacement of our unhoused neighbors. I’m excited to share these initial steps of how to plug-in to our Tikkun/social justice work:

1. Add your info to our Nefesh Social Justice directory and connect with others
This directory serves as a way for people committed to social justice as a volunteer and/or staff person to be more connected:
2. Learn more about LA Voice at our Meeting TH April 8th 6PT:
As new LA Voice members, we’ll hear how to be involved in this multi-racial, multi-faith justice network from our organizer Angel & ED Zach Hoover. Register here:

3. Experience our first Lev Shalem (Whole-hearted) space Sun 4/25 5PT now Wednesday, May 5, 6:30pm PT:
Lev Shalem is a monthly space for Jewish people and allies committed to social justice as a volunteer and/or staff person. It will be a heart centered circle for support, connection, and spiritual resources to ground and sustain us. Our first gathering will be co-facilitated by Nefesh kin Danielle Mulein. Sign up here:
Lastly, we are seeking financial support to fund Rachamim, our new Communal Compassion Initiative that houses our Tikkun work; if you or anyone you know want to invest more in this Jewish social justice heart-work please let us know and/or support here.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me via email 🙂
Chag sameach – onward to liberation,
Ian Schiffer, Community Weaver