Dear Nefesh Tikkun workers,

Lev Shalom: Whole-Hearted, a Nefesh community support space for social justice work

I want to begin with appreciation for all of the ways each of you are committed to and working toward social justice in the world. Many of you are connected through the White Jewish Anti-Racist Dialogue, Justice LA, LA Voice, Bend the Arc, White People for Black Lives, Students Deserve, and so much more. We have landed on two concrete monthly commitments to be supported, sustained, and take action: Lev Shalem, a spiritual circle if you commit a large portion of your life to social justice and Tikkun Action Hour and Meeting, which will begin with a 30 min. Tikkun meeting followed by a virtual action hour around a justice issue (abolition, housing justice, or immigration justice).

  • Join our first Lev Shalem (Whole-hearted) Wed. May 5, 630-8PT:
  • Join our first Tikkun Abolitionist Action Hour and Meeting Wed. 5/19 630-8PT: If you have actions we should take please send to me 🙂

Lastly, I want to encourage you to add your info to our Nefesh Social Justice directory to be more connected on the path to liberation. I was on a SURJ webinar with Mariame Kaba and she cited API-Chaya who defines “safety as the ability to bring be and move through the world as your full self.” May that be so.

To safety and peace,
Ian Schiffer

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