Shabbat Services with Nefesh | שַׁבָּת
Spirit and soul, music and connection, joy and depth
Nefesh gathers in Echo Park and online for three Shabbat services each month, on the 1st & 3rd Friday evenings and 2nd Saturday Mornings. Following the service on Friday nights we have a dessert potluck Oneg to connect with old friends and new. Saturday mornings begin with a lively, all ages Family Jam, with creative learning for the children during the Shabbat service.
ASL Interpretation and childcare provided. Registration requested. All are welcome.
If you are coming to Nefesh for the first time on your own and would like to let us know – we can help welcome you. Please email Melissa at melissa@nefeshla.org. We can’t wait to meet you.
Kaddish Minyan with Nefesh | קדיש
Join the Nefesh Kaddish Minyan for Mourners, every last Thursday of the month.
Rabbi Aaron Leven leads a Zoom community minyan on the first Thursday of each month from 7:30-8:30pm Pacific.
It is a short prayer and song gathering ending with the saying of Kaddish. All are welcome. To join, use the form below.

Nefesh Chevra Kadisha | חֶבְרָה קַדִּישָׁא
Honoring death in life, a partnership with Valley Chevra Kadisha

When someone dies, the family contacts the Chevra Kadisha. Through shmirah, the ritual of accompanying our dead until burial, the Chevra Kadisha recites Psalms over the deceased and then prepares the deceased for burial through taharah, a ritual washing and dressing in white linens.
Many Nefesh Kin have been volunteering with the Valley Chevra Kadisha in this work over the past few years, and have now come together to offer this meaningful transition ritual to the community through a Nefesh Chevra Kadisha. We believe that we are all B’tzelem Elohim, made in the image of the Divine, and all those in the Jewish community are deserving of a sacred burial.
How to Request Tahara/Shmirah services for your family:
Please fill out the VCK services request form with the requested information.
When filling out the form, please list “Nefesh” in the synagogue label and the Nefesh Chevra Kadisha will be contacted to perform the ritual for you and your loved ones.
The Chevra Kadisha can perform this ritual at any funeral home with prior arrangements made. You can also ask the funeral home to directly contact VCK to make arrangements and let them know you are part of the Nefesh community.

Holidays with Nefesh | ימים טובים
Join Nefesh for special services, celebration and learning throughout the sacred calendar year.
- HIGH HOLY DAYS: Rosh Hashanah Services (Oct 2-3 / 29 Elul – 1 Tishrei) | Tashlich & Shabbat Shuva (Oct 4 / 2 Tishrei) | Yom Kippur Services (Oct 11-12 / 9-10 Tishrei)
- SUKKOT (Oct 16-23 / 14-21 Tishrei): Sukkot Morning Service (Oct 17 / 15 Tishrei)
- Simchat Torah Celebration (Oct 25 / 23 Tishrei)
- Shabbat Shira (Feb 7-8 / 9-10 Shevat)
- Erev Tu B’Shevat Seder (Feb 12 / 14 Shevat)
- Erev Purim Celebration: Drag Purim (Mar 13 / 13 Adar)
- PESACH (Apr 12-19 / 14-71 Nisan): Pesach Morning Service (Apr 13 / 15 Nisan)
- Erev Shavuot Celebration (June 1 / 5 Sivan)
- Tisha B’Av (Aug 3 / 9 Av)
- Selichot (TBD Sept / Elul)
- Nefesh provides an ASL interpreter at our Shabbat services as well as captions at all our Zoom offerings
- All music and voice is amplified, except in small group discussions
- All gathering spaces and associated gender neutral bathrooms and parking facilities are accessible per ADA standards.
- For additional requests related to accessibility, please contact us at nefeshinfo@gmail.com