Nefesh is excited to welcome Ian Schiffer to our team!
I feel so grateful to be both kin and our new Community Weaver. Nefesh has been such a meaningful spiritual home that has opened up new possibilities of what it means for me to love to be Jewish in my hometown. I hope to continue to experience and be part of building a Nefesh that is accessible, middot driven, and is a home for people organizing for collective liberation to be filled with spiritual fortitude. Through my role, I am supporting affinity groups, the Tikkun Collective, anti-racist work, mutual aid, communal care, connections, and personal transformation work. The Nefesh community Erev Shabbat services and my middot practice have been a grounding guide for me through the pandemics and I look forward to deepening into this loving community in 5781/2021.
Ian Schiffer
Reach out to Ian at ischiffer@nefeshla.org if you’d like to learn more about how we’re weaving Rachamim/Compassion and justice into our community.